The book
It’s time for what matters most - setting your priorities, and finding purpose or fulfillment at work and at home can be challenging for all of us. This personal workbook gives you the practical tools and inspiration you need to take control of your life and get started on your best and most meaningful year yet, on both a personal and professional level.
It took me some time to figure out that all the management books I had read, all the classes I had taken, and all the effective structures and tools that I had been using in business, could be applied in my personal life too. I have converted them into 8 simple steps: THE GREAT 8. In this step-by-step guide, you will learn:
✓ how to set priorities and sync them with your life purpose and goals
✓ how to invest in yourself to maintain the balance and energy you need
✓ how to boost your productivity and stay focused on what matters most
✓ how to get started with your ‘week & day start’
‘as in business, simple structures will give you some direction – such as your purpose, ambitions and goals in life; inspiration and motivation will get you started and habits will keep you going’